The FILDA business Fair is a great opportunity to win new customers and get good deals. But to make the most of it, you need to have a plan of action.
There aren’t opportunities to get so many companies in one place, as good as FILDA. Landing a contract can be a game changer for your company.
What should you do to take advantage of a business fair like FILDA 2023?
We have prepared some steps to share with you. If you take these tips into account, you will surely be successful during the event
- Analyse the companies that are present before contacting them. Get a sense of what they do and offer.
It makes no sense to try to do business with every company. Not everyone is interested in, or need what your company offers. Try to understand which companies may be most in need of your products and services and channel your energies towards them.
2. Be proactive and approach companies that may be interested in what you offer.
Don’t waste time just walking around and watching the stands. Be active and go to the stands of the companies that interest you. The NO is guaranteed, you have nothing to lose.
3. Be bold and fearless. You are an expert in your field and have something of value to offer.
If you have something of value to offer, potential customers are the ones who are missing out if they don’t do business with you. Don’t be intimidated. Fill yourself with confidence and go for it.
4. Prepare a short and direct message about what your company does and how you can help them.
You have to be able to explain what your company does and why they might need you, in 1 or 2 sentences. Be succinct and clear in your message. People have to understand your message perfectly and not be left with doubts about what you do.
5. Talk about the benefits your products or services can provide.
Don’t waste your energies on too many explanations. Talk about the benefits, that’s what can convince potential clients.
6. Keep in touch after FILDA. Follow up on opportunities.
After FILDA is over, don’t keep the business cards and marketing material you received, in the drawer. Keep in touch with possible business opportunities, or your visit will have been in vain.
7. Use social media to connect with the companies you’ve interacted with.
Start following the social networks of the companies you met and interacted with. To be aware of their activities and better understand how you can help them if the business opportunity goes ahead.
Enjoy FILDA and we wish you great business deals.